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Hydraulic Cylinder

  • Product Name: Rig Movable Cylinder
  • Issue Time: 2019/5/6 8:39:35
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Rig Movable Cylinder


The hydraulic cylinder that used on the mobile drilling rig are as the follows: raising cylinder, telescopic cylinder, manual tong cylinder, jack cylinder, power steering cylinder, etc. For the moving drilling rig, the hydraulic cylinder also includes lifting cylinder, moving cylinder, buffer cylinders, etc.


The rig movable cylinder is a single-stage dual-acting cylinder, one end is connected with the substructure through the pin, the other end is also connected with the moving rail through the pin. When the cylinder is injected with hydraulic oil, the piston rod reaches out and pushes the drill rig forward.

Technical Specifications

The product models of the rig movable cylinder are as the follows: Z07160000010AA, etc.

Rig Movable Cylinder

Rig Movable Cylinder

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  • Beijing Handtome Oilfield Equipment Co., Ltd